RedBerry inputs description:
1. EA Setting:
• Magic number = 31125 set magic number for the EA trades
• EA comment = “Golden Berry Order” you can define comments for the EA trades
2. Main Setting:
• Order limitation You can control whether the EA open by, sell or both
• Just one trade allowed The EA will open one trade per symbol
• Trade in Friday allowed The EA will not trade Friday in set to True
• Max spread (points) Max allowed spread in points
3. AI Setting
• Enable AI mode Enable AI mode for enhancing the trades performance
• AI mode counter This value controls the AI mode intensity for filtering the trades
• AI mode timeframe The AI mode will filter trades in this timeframe
4. Risk Setting
• Lot calculation method Select how the EA calculate lot size
• Balance_Equity risk % The % of balance or equity for risking in trades
• Fix lot size If you select fix lot size then the EA will consider this value for lot size
• Lot size currency You can use money value, fore xample rsik only 100$ per trade
• Takeprofit ratio The RRR value for TP ranges from 1 to 3
• Stoploss ratio The RRR valur for SL ranges from 0.5 to 1.75
5. Capital Protection Setting
• Turn on protection Enable the protection mode
• Protection mode Select one of the protection options (refer to the set files in the channel)
• Protection mode period Select the period of the protection mode (ask me for set files)
• Protection mode multiplier Input the multiplier for protection mode
• Protection mode timeframe Input the timeframe for protection mode
6. Protection Additional Setting
• Execution after signal If true then the protection executes after its signal (ask me for set files)
• Signal timeframe Select the timeframe for the protection signal (ask me for set files)
• Signal period Select the signal period (ask me for set files)
• Signal min band Select the minimum value for signal range (ask me for set files)
• Signal max band Select the maximum value for signal range (ask me for set files)
• Signal reverse If true then the signal will be reversed (ask me for set files)
7. DrawDown Setting
• Close positions if reach max DD If true then the EA will close trades after max DD reached
• Close positions at Friday If true then the EA will close trades in Friday
• PropFirm initial account balance Initial value of balance for calculating the max daily DD
• Max draw down Max DD in %, based on PropFirm regulations
• Max daily loss in dollars (or account currency) Max daily DD, for example 500$
8. Trail Setting
• Trail SL (pips), 0 = Disable The pip value for SL trail (0 value will disable the trail)
• Trail SL start (pips) After specific pips the trail will be started